Plot planning mainly is based on the areas that have to fit in the landscape and also the size of the area. In every circumstance, the division is person. But conventionally we can make a division into the most frequent zones: recreational, residential, farm buildings, garden and vegetable garden.

The size of each zone is intended on the grounds of the complete area of the site. With proper zoning on the living area allocated to 20%, family – no more than 15 percent, vegetable garden and garden occupies approximately 65-75% of the territory. Site breakdown strategy

When partitioning the land of the plot a number of fundamental rules and recommendations should be taken into account:

There are several choices for your breakdown of the dacha plot, however, each is based upon the shape of the territory: square, triangular, L-shaped or even square foot.

The comfort of the owners of the upcoming house largely depends on a well thought-out layout program. A residential home should be designed so that it turns into a comfortable refuge, full of pleasant feelings and gave a feeling of safety and relaxation. Do not forget about the statutory standards about the distance of trees and buildings from the bounds of neighboring plots. Where and how best to place the Home

Planning the placement of a home house on a little scheme, you should Take into Consideration the aesthetic standpoint:

You should also consider and external variables: whether neighbors will be near, how near is the roadway and on what side of this sun rises. For a residential house is much better suited to the south or south side.

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